Greetings from the RELA -project!

Hi! We are Antti and Saana, master’s degree students in the Faculty of Education at University of Oulu. We are trainees in the RELA -research project.

The RELA -project provides a wide range of opportunities to explore and participate in research. In this project we have been able to use our experience, learn new about research and do teamwork with the researchers in the project.

Antti’s leisure activities include swimming, skiing and playing video games and board games. Some of these hobbies have been on a break due to the pandemic. Saana spends her leisure time jogging in forest and training agility with her Dutch shepherd dogs, Ove (the darker and bigger dog) and Hannes (the black and white puppy dog). The dogs are Schapendoes breed.

Antti will graduate with a master’s degree in Education during this spring and in his master’s thesis he is studying the effectiveness of bullying intervention programs in Nordic countries. Saana will first graduate with a master’s degree of Arts by May, as well as a subject teacher of Swedish, German and health education. Her master’s thesis is studying group development and group dynamics of subject teachers of Swedish and German in teaching practice. The master’s thesis is written in Swedish. Alongside she studies master’s degree in Education and the subject of her master’s thesis deals with learning, learning perceptions, teaching foreign languages and teachers’ work.

The graduating is getting close and we both aim to work on further research. Being part of the RELA -project has strengthened our belief that we want to do educational research.