Keränen, V. (2022) Moniulotteinen kosketus päiväkodin suhteissa – Kertomuksia päiväkodin arjesta. (väitöskirja) Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Socialium E179. JULTIKA Oulun yliopiston julkaisuarkisto.
Keränen, V. & Uitto, U. (2023). Can I Kiss a Child? Balancing Between Different Views of Touch in Early Childhood Educators’ Work, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 67:2, 181-193, https://doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2021.1990124
Keränen, V., Uitto, M., Martin, A., Kettunen, A., Körkkö, M., & Lutovac, S. (2024). Creative writings, creative analysis – Exploring narrative ways to analyse teachers’ writings. In E.-K. Hyry-Beihammer, O. Ylitapio-Mäntylä & M. Uitto (Eds.), Narratives in educational research: Methodological perspectives (pp. 123–135). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68350-3_8
Kettunen (neé Holappa) A., Lassila, E. T., Lutovac, S. and Uitto, M. (2021). Vulnerability as an emotional dimension in student teachers’ narrative identities told with self-portraits. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2021.1939144
Kettunen, A., Lassila, E. T., Lutovac, S. & Uitto, M. (2023). Becoming a safe adult for pupils: emotions as part of first-year student teachers’ narrative identities told with photographs, European Journal of Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2023.2211730
Lutovac, S. & Körkkö, M. (2024). “A teacher’s work is many things, but one thing it is not, easy”: Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of teachers’ work today. European Journal of Educational Research.
Lutovac, S., Keränen, V., Körkkö, M., Uitto, M., & Clandinin, D. J. (2024). A shifting professional knowledge landscape: Teachers’ experiences of being unsettled within parent relationships. Teaching and Teacher Education, 152, 104790. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104790
Körkkö, M. & Lutovac, S. (2024). Relational perplexities of today’s teachers: social-emotional competence perspective. Teaching Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210.2023.2298194
Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S., & Korte, S-M. (2024). The sense of inadequacy and uncertainty arising from teacher work: Perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers. International Journal of Educational research, 127, 102410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2024.102410
Tiainen, O. & Lutovac, S. (2022). Examining peer group mentoring in teaching practicum and its impact on the process of pre-service teachers’ joint reflection, European Journal of Teacher Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2022.2122807
Conference presentations
Keränen, V. Uitto, M. & Lutovac S. (2023, August). From teachers’ traditional bodies to virtual embodiment. Paper presented in ATEE, Budapest.
Kettunen, A., Uitto, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, June). Employing visual narratives in pre-service teachers’ peer group to gain deeper insight into emotions. Paper presented at the Narrative Matters conference, Tampere.
Keränen, V., Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S. & Uitto, M. (2023, August). Opettajan työn muuttuneet maisemat – kasvokkaisista keskusteluista digitaalisiin kohtaamisiin. Paper presented at Opettajankoulutuspäivät, Jyväskylä.
Keränen, V., Uitto, M., Martin, A., Kettunen, A., Körkkö, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, June). Creative writings, creative analysis – narrative ways to analyse teachers’ creative writings. Paper presented at the Narrative Matters conference.
Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S & Korte, S.-M. (2024, June). Teachers’ conceptions of teacher work: What kind of teacher education is desirable?. Paper presented at the Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures Conference, Helsinki.
Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S & Korte, S.-M. (2023, November). Fake it till you make it: Inadequacy and uncertainty in teacher work, Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Vaasa.
Körkkö, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, August). Unpacking the diversity in teachers’ work: pre- and in-service teachers’ conceptions, Paper presented at European Conference of Educational Research, Glasgow.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., & Keränen, V. (2022, November). Teacher-student relationships today: teachers’ stories. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Oulu.
Körkkö, M., & Lutovac, S. (2022, November). Challenges of today’s teachers: social-emotional competence perspective. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Oulu.
Lutovac, S., Uitto, M., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, November). Narratives of teachers’ multidimensional and hectic work. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Jyväskylä.
Holappa, A. (2021, November). Kerrotut valokuvat ikkunana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteetteihin ja niihin kietoutuviin tunteisiin. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Jyväskylä.
Lutovac, S., Uitto, M. Holappa, A. & Keränen, V. (2021, September). Teachers’ stories of their changing work. Paper presented at the The Annual Conference of Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Warsaw.
Holappa, A. (2021, September) Storied photographs as a window into student teacher identity construction and emotions involved. Paper presented at the The Annual Conference of Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Warsaw.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, June). Today’s teacher-student relations: teachers’ stories. Paper presented at the Relation-Centered Education Network conference.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, February). An opening to changing relationships in teachers’ work. Paper presented at the Teaching, Teachers and Educational Communities Symposium on Teacher Education, Oulu.
Holappa, A. (2020, December). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteettejä. The Finnish Educational Research Association Conference (FERA), Helsinki.
Holappa, A. (2021, February). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteettejä. Paper presented at the Teaching, Teachers and Educational Communities (TTEC) Symposium on Teacher Education, Oulu.
Holappa, A. (2020, December). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien ident Lutovac, S. (2020, December). Narratives of failure as a professional development tool in teacher education. Paper presented at the FERA conference on Education, University of Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 December 2020.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2020, December). An opening to changing relationships in teachers’ work. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Helsinki.
Other public writings and public appearances
Degerman, R. (31.8.2022). Opettajan työssä opettaminen on nykyisin vain yksi osa työtä, todetaan oululaistutkimuksessa. Yle. https://yle.fi/a/3-12602420
Uitto, M. & Keränen, V. (28.5.2023). Peruskoulua ei saada kuntoon vastakkainasettelulla. Helsingin Sanomat. https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000009608400.html